Future, meet insight.

Praescius /prae-see-us/ is Latin for ‘having forethought’ or as we like to think of it, planning to know in advance. That’s what we do. We help others to plan for their future today. But it’s more than that. For us, it’s about empowering people to live the life they want, by ensuring they get the advice they need.

Put simply, your plans are our purpose.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge
pays the best interest” and we agree.

Praescius is people and knowledge working
together for you; our insights, empowering your future.

The story behind the canvas

The story behind the canvas
You’ll find this image, created by local Queensland artist and photographer Mike Rolfe, featured in our offices. The image you see has been created by carefully deconstructing and recrafting a single photograph. Upon learning more about the artistic process involved, we could see an instant synergy between this distinct piece and the work we do each and every day.

For us it acts as a powerful reminder of the need to look beyond the surface, for only when we look at the big picture through the lens of its intricacies, can true insight be revealed.


Great answers start with good questions

If you’ve been contemplating your future and how you can actively work towards fulfilling your goals, then a financial planner can help. At Praescius everything we do is in the spirit of empowering others. That’s why we believe our role is to help you question, establish a sense of clarity and to arm you with knowledge so that you can plan with confidence.

We believe the advice process should be easy to understand, and above all, enjoyable – after all this is you taking charge of what your future will look like.


01 02 03
where do I see myself in the future?
in 10 years, 20 years time?

What’s important to me? What should I even be planning for;
my children’s education, buying a home, starting a business,
going on holidays? What do I want retirement to
look like and how do I see life in between?
When and how should I invest?
Should I save or act now?

where do I see myself in the future?
in 10 years, 20 years time?

What’s important to me? What should I even be planning for;
my children’s education, buying a home, starting a business,
going on holidays? What do I want retirement to
look like and how do I see life in between?
When and how should I invest?
Should I save or act now?


Our beliefs

When it comes to choosing who to entrust with your future, we know it’s not always easy. That’s why we think it’s important that you get to know us and we you.

When it comes to helping people achieve financial security, here’s what we believe matters most.

life is for living
We know money doesn’t buy happiness but that financial freedom empowers you to live more and do more, particularly in retirement.

foRward thinking
We believe that if we are to continue to innovate we should never be static. The best solutions come from remaining curious about what we do.

Financial independence is the ultimate goal
We believe that you invest only so that one day you no longer have to work, not for any reason other than securing financial independence.

decision making made easy
Becoming ‘financially fit’ shouldn’t be overwhelming or hard to understand. We believe in making it easy, by breaking down complex decisions into a series of smaller ones.

taking a 360 view
A plan is not simply holding an investment. We believe that success is achieved when a holistic view is taken. For this reason, a clear and actionable strategy must be in place for each goal.

learn more about our
beliefs and values


Know more

Beyond providing advice, at Praescius we’re committed to improving our client’s financial literacy. We see great value in this and believe that with knowledge comes understanding and with understanding, confidence. For us, it’s about working in partnership with our clients to help them make the right financial decisions at the right time and that starts by ensuring our advice is easy to understand.


Our locations

Future, meet insight.

Future, meet insight.

3348 3271 3436 3437 3374 3373 999 3345 3346 3347 3349 3344 3273 3255 3254 3238 3231 3229 3215 2069 959 3014 954 2724 992 971 2510 2514 942 980 985 988 995 1017 1505 2008 2033 1026 1034 1473